Thursday, July 30, 2009

Once a muthafucker always a muthafucker!!!!!!!!!

Yes...that's in past few months had me realize this thought...every one is a mutherfucker and never trust any muthafucker...and there are lots of them out there...its a mean and shitty world out there and the journey that you take everyday will make you strong, grow as a person know how smooth they talk but how hard its to "walk the talk"....but on the flip side as days pass by you might miss out on a genuinely good people...people who care about you, people who are willing to help you...and its really sad....

But Instead of getting hurt often by people and to go thru the pain its always safer not to trust people when u just started talking to them....

So beware my friend watch out for smooth talkers....gosh I cant believe hows these idiots talk....fuck these muthafuckers...

Till next time...

Adios amigos...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are right Brother.... Never trust any one.. expecially a women. This worl is so materialistic.. Every one looks good but not.. every one is like a fox imposing a goat..